National Fish and Chip Day 

In early June 2015, with just 4 days to go until the first National Fish and Chip Day, Rise got a call from the trade association NEODA.  They had decided to create a day to celebrate fish and chips.  They asked Rise for help in creating a buzz around the day by running their social media for them.

We logged on to X to discover the NEODA account was following 11 people and had 4 followers… there wasn’t a Facebook or Instagram page…there was some work to be done!

We brushed off our pun skills and got to work following and engaging with shops, restaurants, chefs and any other organisation connected to the sector. By the Friday there was enough interest to create some great digital interactions throughout the day and well into the evening.

From those very low-key but fun beginnings, National Fish and Chip Day has grown every year since and Rise has been there throughout.  We set about taking the day from being on social media only in its first year to a national (and even international) media sensation from 2016 until today.  

We are particularly delighted to be working with NEODA again in 2025 as we help them celebrate the 10th National Fish and Chip Day which promises to be the biggest yet.

We now have over 1.7K followers on X and importantly 4.3K followers on Facebook and over 1.5K on Instagram.

We run the social media accounts year round and from the beginning of each year, begin helping to secure new sponsors and attending sponsor meetings as well as the three trade exhibitions run by the headline sponsors. The PR campaign also kicks off early in the year.  We have spent the last 10 years building an excellent database of national and regional journalists and publications who we keep in regular contact with.

The National Fish and Chip Day name has credence now, and print, broadcast, digital journalists and influencers have grown to trust us and the stories we pass their way.  We work with shops across the country to help them get coverage on their local radio stations and in local and regional newspapers.

For 2024 we moved the date forward a day to coincide with the incredible 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.  We didn’t know how  the media would react. We had nothing to fear as coverage from the beaches in Normandy to Northumberland, and everywhere in between was widespread and we generated 193 million opportunities to see, hear or read something about National Fish and Chip Day –  that equates to every single person in the UK hearing about it almost 3 times each!  

From a very modest budget we generated an Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) worth £1.9 million. This means if the coverage we generated had been paid for in the form of advertising it would have cost the client £1.93 million! This showcases the impact of our efforts.

There have been so many highlights over the years.  Our favourites:

    • Live broadcast throughout the morning on BBC Breakfast News with the Royal Navy in Portsmouth

    • Frequent segments on This Morning

    • Mentions on Loose Women

    • Robson Green cooking fish and chips in Wales for his Channel 5 Coast to Coast programme

    • Featured on Lorraine

    • A shout out on Good Morning Britain

    • Poster in the Cafe on Coronation Street

    • Liam Gallagher holding his fish and chips aloft in the Radio 2 studio 

    • Knocking Trump off the number one spot trending on X

    • Client featured on a phone in on LBC

    • Kingfisher fish and chip van cooking live on The One Show 


    • PR support

    • Social media

    • Stakeholder engagement

    • Exhibitions

We had no hesitation in appointing Rise to run the PR Campaign around National Fish and Chip Day for the ninth year running after achieving such brilliant results since 2015.  Sadly, we had an extremely limited budget this year, but that didn’t stop Rise going all out and generating some incredible coverage before, during and after the event.  The results speak for themselves – to see such huge increases in coverage and the value of the campaign year on year was amazing.  Rise really have surpassed themselves and I can’t speak highly enough of the effort they put into their work – they are more than a safe pair of hands, they are creative, inventive, extremely well connected and determined”.

Lynda Simmons, Executive Secretary, NEODA

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